Michèle Déodat
I have been a qualified physiotherapist for more than 30 years. My focus is pediatrics, here I completed many training. The most important milestone for me was the Bobath training in London, which deals with the physiological and neurological development of the child. I worked for many years in renowned “children’s practices” and meanwhile made many further education “around the child”.
Some of my trainings
- Bobath training
- sensory integration (SI)
- psychomotor
- supported communication (GÜK) and sign language
- neuromotor and orofacial developmenal therapy
My training
- five-year study of osteopathy with doploma (College Sutherland)
- Apprentice naturopath 2011 as well as acupuncture 2012 (Arche medica)
- Two-year additional study on child osteopathy (OSD berlin-Hamburg) 2017
- Diploma in Paediatric Osteopathy 2021